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Sell, Buy, or Rent properties in Woden & Weston Creek with Independent Real Estate

A longstanding agency within the Woden & Weston Creek region, with widespread experience in real estate Woden, Weston Creek, and surrounding areas, the team at Independent South has a complete understanding of the local market.

Our real estate agents in Woden & Weston Creek are a team with strong ethics and diversity, striving for continual success by focusing on our client’s objectives.

We have a skilled, insightful team passionate about delivering all aspects of real estate, combining experienced agents with specialized client and marketing managers to meet our clients' needs.

Sell your property in Woden & Weston Creek
Looking to sell your property in Woden & Weston Creek? Our Woden & Weston Creek real estate agents know the importance of understanding your property's value in today's market. We are deeply ingrained in the local real estate scene, with a thorough understanding of the Woden & Weston Creek neighborhoods, specific property trends, pricing, and value. Whether you're considering selling a home or seeking an appraisal, we are your reliable partners. Count on Independent Property Groups agents to achieve outstanding results and maximise the value of your Woden & Weston Creek property.
Buy a property in Woden & Weston Creek
Looking to buy a property in Weston & Woden Creek? With Independent Real Estate's comprehensive understanding of the local market, we provide invaluable insights into the diverse neighborhoods, evolving property trends, and optimal pricing strategies. Whether you're interested in houses for sale in Woden or Weston Creek, our commitment lies in aligning your needs and preferences, ensuring a seamless experience as our experienced real estate agents guide you towards securing your dream home.
Property for rent in Woden & Weston Creek
Looking to rent a property in Weston & Woden Creek? Navigating the changing rental property market can be overwhelming, but with our Woden & Weston Creek real estate agents' extensive local knowledge and up-to-date market expertise, you're in capable hands. Whether you're looking for apartments for rent in Woden or Weston Creek, our tailored approach focuses on personalized support, from coordinating property inspections to negotiating lease terms, ensuring you are well looked after. Trust Independent Real Estate to assist you in finding the ideal rental property suited to your lifestyle and budget.

Our team

Director/Sales Consultant
Director/Sales Consultant
Director/Sales Consultant
Office Coordinator
Sales & Marketing Associate
Sales Consultant
Sales Associate
Sales Associate
Sales and Property Management Assistant
Business Development Manager
Senior Property Manager
Woden & Weston Creek
18 - 24 Townshend St, Phillip ACT 2606
P | 02 6209 5000
E |
We're here
to help

Local experts deliver better results

Our team know Woden, understand its nuances and how to sell properties here. Get in touch today.

+61 2 6209 5000