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Over 100 years of combined real estate knowledge and expertise under one roof.

The team at Independent offers a wealth of experience in selling real estate across all areas of the market with some of Canberra’s leading property experts in the sale of established homes, off the plan townhouse and apartment developments, and house and land packages.

Our diverse range of cultures and backgrounds along with our team-based structure enables us to better understand and communicate with our clients while offering them a personalised, hands-on approach. Our award-winning office first opened its doors in 2001 and has since helped thousands of home owners, investors, builders and developers achieve property success.

Meet the Team

Director/Sales Consultant
Director/Sales Consultant
Director/Sales Consultant
Office Coordinator
Sales & Marketing Associate
Sales Consultant
Sales Associate
Sales Associate
Sales and Property Management Assistant
Business Development Manager
Senior Property Manager
Director/Sales Consultant
Director/Sales Consultant
Sales & Marketing Associate
Director/Sales Consultant
Sales Associate
Sales Associate

Local experts deliver better results

Our team know the South area of Canberra and understand its nuances and how to sell properties here. Get in touch today.

+61 2 6209 5000

18-24 Townshend St, Phillip ACT 2606
We're here
to help