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(02) 6209 5000

Flipping the script on the typical apartment, represents a welcome change in design philosophy. Simple in concept yet complex in delivery, its abstract built form is the brainchild of an imaginative medley of architects, landscape architects and interior designers.

Illustrating years of experience and learnings, this city fringe sanctuary is your backstage pass to the heart of the locale. Embrace your converted VIP status and peek behind the curtain to access the exclusive and grand. accessible

Equal parts livable and breathtaking, is a collage of materials and finishes including stone, timber, bronzed metal, natural brickwork and off-form concrete.

It's hard to imagine a more desirable and convenient location for you kick start your "more time for life" - style.


The design detail evident in the façade is just a start. The interior of every apartment has been designed with consideration for the "livable housing silver standard".

Wherever you are on your life journey, is easily accessible, as is the entire locale. The walk from your apartment to the city centre through Braddon is free of stairs and the light rail is at your door step. 

The art-chitect

What do the origami balconies of Yammaroshi, the gold leaf-like surfaces of Nibu and the pressed metal portal of Branx have in common? They represent recent work of highly accomplished local architect, Nathan Judd. Anything but average or ordinary, streetscape of Lonsdale and Mort Streets capture the essence of Braddon's lavish and textured mixed media streetscape. Nathan worked the façade at with folded oblique angles and full-height glazing to create an ever-shifting mosaic of light play across time of day and seasons.

The landscape art-chitect' curators and creative directors, SPACELAB master-planned the site and briefed the building architect and interior architects to develop a unique look and feel for With decades of experience gained within Canberra's apartment market as foundation, SPACELAB's designers and landscape architects then dreamt up a unique automatically  irrigated façade planter box system, with planting designed to grow over bronze planter that add depth and life to the façade. This synergistic design collaboration extended throughout all internal and external common areas.

The interior designers

Tasked with creating functional kitchens and bathrooms offering a very high level of amenity across all apartment typologies, STUDIO & YOU consulted widely and presented their concept - a luxurious bath, separate shower and double vanity for for every apartment!

That's right even the most affordable one bedroom designs offer the loveliness of vanity space you don't need to share with your partner, and plenty of space for bath salts.

STUDIO & YOU then curated their designs and applied stone, timber and tiled finishes across three choices of colour palettes.

Art for art's sake will be curated with the inclusion of creative pieces and art installations to be commissioned through local artists.

This collection will find its home within the façade, entry lobby and common spaces, including lift wells and corridors.

The abstract works of local Braddon artist, William Malcolm are hanging on walls within the 3D renders within this brochure.

Leave peak hour behind

Making your move to frees up life-time. Bumper to bumper traffic is no longer part of your everyday.

7am - your car sits quietly secured in the basement garage, whilst you grab a coffee from the café and step out into the surrounding tapestry that defines Canberra's most cosmopolitan neighbourhood.

Turn left and cross the light rail to take in a journey past the rainbow roundabout through the menagerie of Braddon's bars, eateries and boutique retail as the buzz of the City cranks up to welcome a new day, or turn right on a quiet stroll amongst the protective canopies of oak trees along Gould Street. Soon the lush Lyneham to the ANU envelops you, a short while later you find yourself on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin as the mist rises with the sun over Mount Ainslie.

Making the move

Securing your move to 'off plan' makes sense. With completion expected in early 2026, that allows plenty of time for garage sales or to find a home for that lawnmower. Contact us on:

Independent North: 02 6209 4000

Independent South: 02 6209 5000



Want to know more?

Get in touch for more details about the overall development or specific properties available and one of our team will be in contact soon.

(02) 6209 5000