Last Sold
Sold for: $11,000 on 21 November 1997
APM's property information is subject to the terms and conditions
Estimate from APM based on medium availability of comparable data in this area
Contains property sales information provided under licence from the Department of Finance and Services, Land and Property Information. Australian Property Monitors Pty Ltd is authorised as a Property Sales Information provider by the Department of Finance and Services, Land and Property Information.
What are the next steps after getting your online appraisal?
It is business as usual for us in an unusual way. We have the tools and market knowledge to provide you with an expert opinion of price, even when faced with external challenges. Hit the 'get a more detailed estimate' button, answer a handful of questions about your property and one of our agents will supply you with a more detailed appraisal - by phone, email or or by way of a virtual tour of your home depending on your preference.
It will take into consideration your property and the surrounding area and will include evidence of local sales of similar properties plus wider market trends.
Why Independent?
First and foremost, we’re Canberra born and bred (since 1958!)
Which means we have a deep knowledge of the Canberra market and can provide the advice necessary to get the best result for the sale of your home.
In addition, we have a unique, collaborative structure that means all of our 70+ agents are using their databases and contacts to sell your home. Achieving a great sale truly is a team effort.
Our dedication to technological innovation and client experience, using the most cutting-edge buyer management tools out there, make us your perfect partner when selling your home.
Our services
Got questions about the selling process?
Maybe it’s the first time you’re selling, or maybe it’s been awhile since you’ve put your home on the market. Either way, we’re happy to answer any questions you’ve got to help make the experience as smooth as possible. Drop us a line!