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Detailed appraisals are available for property owners only.
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Instant Online Appraisal

1 Post Office Lane
No estimate available
$1,300PER WEEK
$1,300PER WEEK

APM's property information is subject to the terms and conditions

Estimate from APM based on medium availability of comparable data in this area

Data Disclaimer

Contains property sales information provided under licence from the Department of Finance and Services, Land and Property Information. Australian Property Monitors Pty Ltd is authorised as a Property Sales Information provider by the Department of Finance and Services, Land and Property Information.

What are the next steps after getting your online appraisal?

Enter your information
Fill our form and send us a few basic details about your property. This will help us understand your property and your goals. Whether you're buying or selling, this is the first step in making your property journey a reality.
Select preferred agent
Browse through our team of experienced agents and select the one who best suits your needs. All our agents have extensive knowledge of their areas and the current market. They can provide expert advice and personalised strategies.
Once you've selected your agent, it’s time for a one-on-one consultation. Select whether you'd prefer an in-person or virtual meeting. This is a no-pressure conversation to help you map out what to do next.

Why Independent?

First and foremost, we’re Canberra born and bred (since 1958!)

Which means we have a deep knowledge of the Canberra market and can provide the advice necessary to get the best result for the sale of your home.

In addition, we have a unique, collaborative structure that means all of our 70+ agents are using their databases and contacts to sell your home. Achieving a great sale truly is a team effort.

Our dedication to technological innovation and client experience, using the most cutting-edge buyer management tools out there, make us your perfect partner when selling your home.​

Our services

We’ll deliver a straightforward estimate that reflects what your property could sell for in the current market based on our expertise in your area.
Property presentation
First impressions matter. Our network of agents and stylists will work with you to identify areas for improvement that will elevate your property’s value.
Buyer procurement
Why settle for one agent when you could get an entire network? Each agent has access to every property in our network. Every buyer we meet at an auction, open house or crowded elevator is a potential buyer for your property. Our agents also work with a combined database of over 10,000 registered buyers.
Every dollar counts, right? And all our agents receive negotiation training to maximise the price buyers are willing to offer for your home.
We collaborate with you to create a marketing vision for your property that shines a light on its strongest features. We mix technology with flexibility and a pinch of flair to deliver you a customised marketing strategy that works for your home.

Recently Sold Properties in the Area

Check out the recently sold properties in Canberra and the ACT area. Arm yourself with knowledge about what's going on in your area and how to best position your property. Our experts can provide you with local knowledge and proactive advice.

sold $430,000
We have been helping locals prosper through property for more than 60 years
Maybe it's the first time you're selling, or maybe it's been a while since you've put your home on the market. Either way, we're happy to answer any questions you've got to help make the experience as smooth as possible. Drop us a line!

Why get a detailed estimate?

Knowledge is power and knowing what your home is worth is important even if you’re not planning to sell. For most of us, our property is our most valuable asset. Wouldn’t you want to know what it’s worth?

You might:

  • Be getting posted out of the area or accepting an inter-state job
  • Have change in personal circumstances
  • Be considering an investment property and want to know how much equity you have.
  • Be planning to renovate and want to understand how much value it could add
  • Want to start a family and upsize into a larger home
  • Be dreaming of that sea-change now your adult children have moved out of home

Got questions about the selling process?

Maybe it’s the first time you’re selling, or maybe it’s been awhile since you’ve put your home on the market. Either way, we’re happy to answer any questions you’ve got to help make the experience as smooth as possible. Drop us a line!

02 6209 4000 (North)
02 6209 5000 (South)